al DriveSmart - NIC on Car Benefit

   NIC on Company Car Benefit


NIC on Car Benefit

NIC on Company Car Benefit

From 2025/2026 tax year (commencing 6 April 2025) the rate of employer's national insurance contributions will increase from 13.8% to 15%.

This 1.2% additional rate of national insurance means that the cost of company cars will increase in addition to the proposed increases in company car benefit over the next few years.

So how much will it cost your company?

We'll, we've calculated the NIC increase for each tax year up to 2029/30 for all current manufacturers and models.

It's based on the taxable company car value known as the 'P11D' value.

You can look up our table, or find the results for particular manufacturers (just remember the list covers nearly 5,000 cars!).

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